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My Calendar...

Sync your personal calendar with your stylist so that she can then suggest outfits based on your schedule.

Plan In Advance:

You can save outfits to your calendar in advance if you wish to. If the weather forecast changes closer to the time you will be notified and your stylist will give a new suggestion or recommendations on how to change your planned outfit to be more suitable. 

Weather Forecast:

Not only will your stylist suggest outfits based on your daily schedule, she will also consider local weather forecasts too. The app can sync to your weather app to provide ultimate assistance when getting dressed each morning. Going to rain when you go out to dinner? You will be notified and recommended to take an umbrella out with you. Too cold for the outfit originally planned? Your stylist will have an alternative suggestion ready and waiting for you. Think of her as your new styling saviour!

Multiple Outfits:

Got a busy day planned? Not a problem, you can save multiple outfits to this day to keep organised!

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