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Wardrobe Stats...

Make the most out of your wardrobe by gaining stats and insight into how you use your clothes. 

Item Count:

Find out how many items you have in your wardrobe currently. You will be surprised at how much you actually own!

Colour Range:

The colour range bar breaks down the colours currently in your wardrobe. You may not actually need that black shirt after all...

Most Worn Items:

Learn about the items you wear most

Least Worn Items:

Learn about the items you least wear. Maybe it's time to break off the tags and get some wear from them, OR sell it on if you've fallen out of love with it...

Cost Per Wear:

Find out your best and worst cost per wear items. This could help you to rethink when making new purchases if they are really necessary and could save you a LOT of money! 

Sustainability Level

This is based on the brands in your wardrobe and how much you wear each item. It it's low don't worry... your stylist will suggest ways in which you can improve it.

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